Sunday, 23 December 2012

XVth Brigadas Internacional

Always nice to get some figures finished off. Back to the International Brigades for the time being, as I need to add some support weapons to my force. Here is a Maxim team moving into position, couple of conversions by my good self ( just head swaps and gun additions). Painted in the usual motley collection of uniform items

"….a comrade looked at us casually, and handed us a neatly tied up bundle of clothes. This bundle contained a heavy undershirt and drawers, a pair of socks, a knitted sleeveless sweater, a pair of pants (breeches or long baggy trousers tied at the ankle), a heavy tunic, a wooly cap that could be pulled down around the ears, an overcoat or a woolen poncho……The caps, coats, jackets, overcoats and ponchos were grey, green, olive-drab, khaki, of all manner of styles; no two looked alike. They were apparently the hand-me-downs of a dozen different foreign armies "

I'm really enjoying working on these figures,its easy to forgot just how good these sculpts are, and how a careful paintjob can reap rewards. Don't care what other folks think, but I reckon Paul Hicks is easily the equal of the Perry twins, and in some cases he is actually better.

Could be stuck painting the Spanish Civil War for a while, so apologies if you are getting bored with it. I will have a flight of fancy at some stage, I usually do!!!


  1. Lovely figures Nigel. I must admit that I've got into a couple of new periods just on the strength of Paul Hick's sculpts! No worries about more SCW - I like the period and what you're doing in it.

  2. Really nice figures, I'd agree with the quality of the sculpts, and your brush work is excellent as well.

  3. Paul is definitvely my favorite sculptor and as you already know, I especially like his SCW range. And once again, you have made a really nice paintjob on these brigadists !

    Have you seen that David Lomon who was probably the last member of the XVth IB has died two days ago ? :'( ¡No PasarĂ¡n!


  4. Yes I did see that David had died, sad news indeed. It was an old Brigadist that got me interested in the SCW, along with a Basque refugee who saw Durango get bombed.

  5. So, you know him personally?

  6. No, read about him in a few of the books I have, and I think he was at the remeberance ceremony I went to in London a good few years back. The gentleman that I knew was Polish!!

  7. Ok, sad news indeed, I think he was one of the last brigadists from every countries.

    Can I ask you which colours you have used for the uniforms ?

  8. I'll pop a list on here, need to go and write them all down. Lots of messing about and mixing.

  9. Your blog is a great inspiration!!!
    thank you

  10. Great work there Nigel and lovely paint work. I have to agree with you Paul Hick is one of the best sculptors I just plainly love his stuff

  11. Very good job ! I have a project for this period (I have yet 20mm but I want to play skirmish with 28mm. I think I will paint a falangist group before painting anarchists).
    Merry Christmas !
